James Franco And Seth Rogen Mock Sony Pictures Hacking On 'SNL' – North Korea Believes That Hackers Are Their ‘Supporters & Sympathizers’

After North Korea denied accusations that they are behind Sony Studios hacking and that it may be the work of their "supporters," James Franco and Seth Rogen, the actors of "The Interview," the movie that reportedly caused the biggest corporate cyber attack in history, took to SNL to mock the hackers.

"The hacking into the SONY Pictures might be a righteous deed of the supporters and sympathizers with the DPRK (North Korea) in response to its appeal," the KCNA report stated. "What matters here is that the US set the DPRK as the target of the investigation, far from reflecting on its wrongdoings and being (ashamed) of being taken unawares," according to the statement released through Korean Central News Agency.

The statement also accused South Korea of spreading allegations that DPRK is the one responsible of Sony Pictures hacking.

"We do not know where in America the SONY Pictures is situated and for what wrongdoings it became the target of the attack nor we feel the need to know about it," the statement continued.

"But what we clearly know is that the SONY Pictures is the very one which was going to produce a film abetting a terrorist act while hurting the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK by taking advantage of the hostile policy of the US administration towards the DPRK."

The cyber attack targeted Sony Pictures reportedly because of Seth Rogen and James Franco's movie "The Interview" which was a spoof film intended to make fun of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.

The first among the series of attacks leaked the duo's detailed personal salaries with their work in the movie under Sony Pictures.

According to Independent, North Korea has previously condemned the film calling it "a wanton act of terror" that would cause "merciless countermeasures" on US unless it's banned.

While, the statement seemed like a threat, North Korea vehemently denies allegations that they had anything to do with Sony Pictures hacking and remained firm on its statement that they have numerous supporters that would most likely responsible for the act.

"The US should also know that there are a great number of supporters and sympathizers with the DPRK all over the world as well as the "champions of peace" who attacked the SONY Pictures," the statement that North Korean government released referring to the hacking.

Have you seen James Franco and Seth Rogen's video mocking the Sony Pictures hackers on 'SNL?' Sound off in the comments section below.

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