UV Concert Brings in 10,000 Fans! Luxury Guest Appearances Gain Attention

Duo UV's concert of 10,000 fans were shocked at their concert.

10,000 fans attended UV's concert on October 6 at an outdoor location.

They sang many of their hit songs as well as hit songs from the 90s as well. These older hit songs gained the attention of many people in their 20s and 30s.

There were also surprise guest appearances such as 2PM Wooyoung and Super Junior Kyuhyun.

After their concert, Yoo Sae Yoon posted on his twitter, "Wow! That was so much fun! We have fans too! We are all awesome! My throat hurts yet I am happy!"

They also commented, "Thanks to everyone that came out today! You all are going to come out to our last free concert tomorrow right?"

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