‘James Bond 24’ Movie Should Not Cast ‘The Wire’ Star Idris Elba As The New ‘007’ According To ‘The Rush 24/7’ Host Rush Limbaugh

It's not a happy Christmas for the team behind "James Bond 24: Spectre" movie as it falls victim to the online hacking group, who dubbed themselves as "Guardians of Peace."

According to the leaked email messages acquired by The Daily Beast from Sony Pictures' co-chairwoman Amy Pascal to Elizabeth Cantillon - former executive vice president for production of Columbia Pictures - "The Wire" star Idris Elba "should be the next Bond" following the critically acclaimed performance of Daniel Craig.

While, the current superspy actor previously said that he has every intention to leave the highly successful franchise telling Rolling Stone, "I've been trying to get out of this from the very moment I got into it. But they won't let me go, and I've agreed to do a couple more, but let's see how this one does, because business is business and if the shit goes down, I've got a contract that somebody will happily wipe their ass with," host of the famous radio show "The Rush 24/7" Rush Lumbaugh is not at all convinced that Elba should take over the "James Bond" post.

Limbaugh reacted to the Sony hacking news about "The Wire" star taking over the spy movie franchise in his radio show claiming that it's not right for Elba to become the next agent "007" because Bond was "created as a white guy and should stay that way," TMZ reports.

"Now Sony is suggesting that the next James Bond should be Idris Elba, a black Briton rather than a white from Scotland. But that's not who James Bond is, and I know it's racist to probably even point this out," Limbaugh told his listeners.

While, Limbaugh admits to his racist comments he tried justifying his statement by giving an example about George Clooney playing the role of Barck Obama or Michelle Obama being portrayed by Kate Hudson.

What do you think about Rush Lumbaugh's reaction to the hacked Sony emails claiming that they want Idris Elba to become the successor of Daniel Craig after the upcoming "James Bond 24" movie? Was he being a racist or do you think he actually has a point? Sound off in the comments section below.

Meanwhile, you can listen to "The Rush 24/7" podcast here and decide for yourself:

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