Michael Schumacher Condition News: 'Reliable Prognosis' Not In Sight? F1 Champion's Battle Continues Almost A Year After Accident

The true extent of Michael Schumacher's condition remains in doubt as reliable prognosis is not available a year into the F1 champion's battle toward recovery.

Following a skiing accident in December last year where he slammed his head into the rock, breaking his helmet in the process, the 45-year-old was in an induced coma for months as the world waited for updates on his condition. On June 16, doctors announced that he has regained consciousness.

News reports on the recovery of the seven-time racing champion have bordered into speculation because information from the family and kin has been rare.

However, manager and spokeswoman Sabine Kehm told The Sydney Morning Herald that "it is not possible to give any kind of reliable prognosis" regarding Michael Schumacher's condition.

"It remains unclear whether Schumacher will ever recover significantly enough to live a relatively normal life, never mind get behind the wheel of a racing car," the publication said.

Sadly, the news about Michael Schumacher's condition not going to improve anytime soon forced some of his sponsors to severe their ties with the F1 champ.

"The seven-time champion is expected to lose out on more than £4million a year as a result of the decisions by companies who no longer see him as a role model for their products," said MailOnline.

The spokesperson for Phillipe Gaydoul, who owns Navyboot and Jet Set, released a statement explaining their decision to drop Michael Schumacher from their endorsers owing to his condition: "It is not easy for Schumacher's sponsors: paying out millions of Swiss francs per year and receiving nothing back since the crash. But must they separate in this situation from the Formula 1 legend? It is a balancing act: On the one hand, the sponsors must pursue economic objectives, which point towards for a parting. On the other hand it will not be well received in public if you are turning your back on Schumacher at this difficult time."

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Michalel Shcumacher
