The Guardian Compliments HyunA "She Will Follow Psy's Footsteps of Success"

HyunA's new album's title song "Ice Cream" was highly complimented by the UK "Guardian."

Today, UK's "The Guardian" said, "If there is anyone that will follow Psy's footsteps, it will be HyunA. HyunA, who had gained much popularity through 'Bubble Pop' in 2011, came back with 'Ice Cream'."

UK's pop website Pop Justice also spoke of HyunA's "Ice Cream" music video with Justin Bieber's music video. This is Pop Justice's second time mentioning HyunA.

HyunA had reached 8,600,000 hits with "Ice Cream" within 3 days of release, and many are excited for her comeback.

Photo Credit: The Guardian

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