'Still Alice' Actress Julianne Moore Rescues Kristen Stewart From 'Lesbian' Rumors; 'Twilight' Star Reveals What She Hates In Hollywood

"Still Alice" actress Julianne Moore took the cudgels for her co-star Kristen Stewart following the lesbian rumors. The "Twilight" star, meanwhile, revealed what she hates the most about Hollywood.

During an interview with HuffPost Live, Kristen Stewart was asked about the rumors, including the most recent lesbian claims, surrounding her love life.

The "Twilight" actress said, "There's a whole other form of entertainment that's just voraciously consumed in itself."

But "Still Alice" actress Julianne Moore, whom Kristen Stewart admitted to forming a bond to, rescued her.

"For her, especially, there's been so much interest in Kristen for the longest time," the 54-year-old actress said. "Because of the size of the movies she's been involved in when she was very young, it's hard to escape that. I think that it's also a form of entertainment. I think you have to take all that stuff with a grain of salt, and she often does," she said.

"Still Alice" actress Julianne Moore could be referring to the lesbianrumors that Kristen Stewart is dating BFF Alicia Cargile.

In an interview with Salon magazine, Kristen Stewart said that she hates the fakeness aspect of Hollywood.

"I find myself saying things that I hear other people say where I'm like, ok, you're lying. But I say the same thing, and I wonder if people think I'm lying when I say, oh, we were just a big family on set! I hate that stuff," she said. "People always ask if I chose the projects I've chosen because I'm trying to redefine myself or people's perception of me. Uh, no. In a word, nah."

But she said contrary to public opinion, she does care about the movies she makes.

"I'm like, actually, no one gives a f--k like me. No one gives more of a f--k than me. It's just ironic to me. I'm always like, really?"

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Still Alice
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