Michael Moore Makes Waves With His Comments Criticizing Snipers, Denies Connection To Clint Eastwood's 'American Sniper' Movie [PHOTO]

Michael Moore has recently made some waves in Hollywood through his comments concerning snipers. The director and liberal political activist called snipers "cowards" in a Twitter post, inciting anger from many.

According to USA Today, his first post reads, "My uncle killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot u in the back. Snipers aren't heroes. And invaders r worse." However, four hours later he made a second post that read "But if you're on the roof of your home defending it from invaders who've come 7K miles, you are not a sniper, u are brave, u are a neighbor."

Moore claimed that his tweets were not made in reference to Clint Eastwood's latest movie, "American Sniper." He criticized the media for drawing the connection between the two, stating, "Lots of talk about snipers this weekend (the holiday weekend of a great man, killed by a sniper), so I thought I'd weigh in with what I was raised to believe about snipers."

He continued, "But Deadline, Hollywood, and the Hollywood Reporter turned that into stories about how I don't like Clint Eastwood's new film, 'American Sniper.' I didn't say a word about 'American Sniper' in my tweets."

However, he did end up having some things to say about the movie. At first he wrote, "Awesome performance from Bradley Cooper, one of the best of the year. Great editing. Costumes, hair, makeup superb!"

He added, "Oh... and too bad Clint gets Vietnam and Iraq confused in his storytelling. And that he has his characters calling Iraqis 'savages' throughout the film. But there is also anti-war sentiment expressed in the movie. And there's a touching ending as the main character is remembered after being gunned down by a fellow American vet with PTSD who was given a gun at a gun range back home in Texas - and then used it to kill the man who called himself the 'American Sniper.'"

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Michael Moore
American Sniper
