'Winds Of Winter' Author George R.R. Martin Hopes To Boost Santa Fe Tourism; Turns Bowling Alley Into Meow Wolf's Home

"Winds of Winter" author George R.R. Martin bought an old bowling center and he's turning it into Meow Wolf's home in the hopes of boosting Santa Fe tourism.

In his blog, the author narrated that he purchased the Silva Lanes property on Rufina Circle which went bankrupt in 2009.

"Indeed, all the lanes and interior furnishings were ripped out several years ago by a previous 'buyer' who then failed to follow through with the purchase. So essentially I bought a huge empty derelict building (some 33,000 square feet) and a big parking lot," he wrote.

"Winds of Winter" author George R.R. Martin, however, has big plans for the property.

"I am not planning to bring bowling back to Santa Fe," he explained. "Nor will I be using the space for a karaoke bar. The previous owner tried that too."

However, George R.R. Martin said that Silva Lanes will be converted into an "interactive art space" designed by Meow Wolf, which he described as "a collective of forty-odd (some very odd) artists here in Santa Fe who have been doing some amazing things over the past decade, but have never had a permanent home before."

In a press statement published on Santa Fe Mexican, it was reported that Mayor Javier Gonzales and Randy Randall, executive director of the city's convention and visitors bureau, will speak about the project at a news conference scheduled next week.

"Gonzales will talk about 'creative entrepreneurship' and Randall will talk about 'Santa Fe's expanding identity,'" the news release states. "Meow Wolf is excited to share its vision with the media and community partners."

"I think this should be very exciting, and real boost to local tourism, the arts scene, something kids of all ages will enjoy. But that's really up to Meow Wolf," "Winds of Winter" author George R. R. Martin added.

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