Winner Of Date With Tom Daley And Boyfriend Dustin Lance Black Reveals Screenwriter Is His Inspiration

The winner of a date with Tom Daley and boyfriend Dustin Lance Black revealed that the screenwriter has been his biggest inspiration.

Solomon N. was named as the winner of the Human Rights Campaign promo for the chance to spend time with Tom Daley and his boyfriend Dustin Lance Black. The winner said that he gravitated towards the screenwriter.

"Dustin's background is a little similar to my own," he said. "Growing up in a Christian conservative home and the process of coming out and risking it all to be true to myself. There are many out there not as lucky as I was and HRC has been doing an amazing job to create awareness and acceptance of the LGBT community."

"Dustin has been an inspiration with his activism. He is beautiful to watch as he speaks with such passion and conviction. It's hard not to be drawn to people like him. Of course their being gorgeous was icing on the cake. Who wouldn't want to hang out with such good looking studs who come off so well adjusted in the public eye with all its pressures. I cannot wait!" the statement added.

He also said that he could relate to Tom Daley because he also lost his father.

"I lost my father at about the same age as Tom did and connected to his experience and understanding how quickly one grows up when something like that happens. My heart went out to his cause and felt drawn to help," Solomon added.

Previous reports alleged that Tom Daley and boyfriend Dustin Lance Black are already reportedly looking at getting hitched, according to Star magazine.

"Both Tom and Dustin want to be married one day, but aren't inclined to wait around for years. They've been travelling around ­Europe over the past few months and their ­relationship has really progressed," the source told the tabloid. "So now that they both have a bit of time off from their hectic schedules they're going to LA where they'll discuss the marriage in further detail, and decide what they want their next step to be."

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