Bruce Jenner Denies Ronda Kamihira Is His Girlfriend, Olympian's Life Turned Upside Down With Alleged Transition Into A Woman? [PHOTO]

This past month, former Olympian Bruce Jenner has been questioned about his relationship with Ronda Kamihira, his ex-wife's former assistant and best friend. According to The Mirror, Kim Kardashian herself has angrily accused him of dating her.

Kardashian stated angrily, "She was really one of my mom's good friends... my mom cries about it, it's not right." According to the Master Herald, what Kardashian finds strange in her stepfather's alleged relationship with Kamihira is that it began just two weeks after Kris' and his divorce in September 2014.

However, Jenner denies dating Kamihira altogether. Furthermore, despite reports of her being upset, Kris Jenner seems to have moved on quickly to her new boyfriend Corey Gamble, who is younger than her two eldest daughters Kourtney and Kim.

She has also stated, "I have no idea what Bruce does in his personal time. We've been apart for a long time. He is the greatest guy, a wonderful dad, and he and I are good friends. Everybody is very happy. I know I'm in a really good place. And I hope he is too. I hope he's doing his thing and having a good time."

Even with Kris' seemingly sunny disposition, Bruce is still in the limelight, and not in a good way. The New York Daily News reports that ever since InTouch Weekly doctored a photo of him with the caption, "Bruce's Story: My Life as a Woman," rumors have been flying about that Jenner is grappling with gender issues.

As a result, Jenner has been the butt of a lot of mean gossip. Kim Pearson, training director for the transgender support group "TransYouth Family Allies," stated, "It's a serious issue whether Bruce Jenner is going through it or not... I don't know Bruce Jenner's story. If he is [transitioning], it's something that's very difficult - exponentially more so being in the public eye."

Jean Malpas - director of the Gender and Family Project at the Ackerman Institute in Manhattan - agrees. She added, "No good comes from something at the expense of an individual. The way we talk about it has to be constructive."

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Bruce Jenner
ronda kamihira
