Hope For 'Winds Of Winter' 2015 Release Date Quashed; Author George R.R. Martin's Publisher Clarifies Rumors

Fans hoping for a "Winds of Winter" release date this year are in for a world of disappointment as it won't likely happen, coming directly from the mouth of George R.R. Martins' publisher.

HarperCollins publisher Jane Johnson said that the "A Song of Fire and Ice" saga is a very complex series so it doesn't help anybody if author George R.R. Martin will rush the writing process, just to please the fans hoping for a 2015 release date for "Winds of Winter."

She told The Guardian. "I have no information on likely delivery. These are increasingly complex books and require immense amounts of concentration to write. Fans really ought to appreciate that the length of these monsters is equivalent to two or three novels by other writers."

According to the publication, George R.R. Martin last released "A Dance with Dragons" in 2011, as part of the "A Song of Fire and Ice" series. But the author published some excerpts of the "Winds of Winter" online, which only increased the anticipation by fans some more.

The popular "Game of Thrones" over at HBO is based on the "A Song of Fire and Ice." That's why fans, and even the producers of the show, are anxious because the events on the TV series are about to overlap the timeline in George R. R. Martin's novels.

In his blog, George R.R. Martin wrote that there's going to be no drama involving the "Winds of Winter" release date.

"When it's done, I will announce it here. There won't be any clues to decipher, any codes or hidden meanings, the announcement will be straightforward and to the point. I won't time it to coincide with Xmas or Valentine's Day or Lincoln's Birthday, the book will not rise from the dead with Jesus on Easter Sunday. When it is done, I will say that's it is done, on whatever day I happen to finish," the author said.

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