George R.R. Martin Against 'Scheduling' Of 'Winds Of Winter' Release Date?

George R.R. Martin doesn't like the idea of scheduling the "Winds of Winter" release date since he's dealing with enough pressure as it is.

In a blog post, George R. R. Martin wrote: "I certainly hope that THE WINDS OF WINTER is not on the schedule of ANY of my publishers."

"I have spent years trying to persuade them all not to schedule my books until they are completed and delivered," he added. "Scheduling, and then having to reschedule and postpone, just pisses people off. I'd rather not schedule at all until the date is real and certain."

"This flies against standard publishing practice, however, so it's a battle that I do not always win," the author wrote.

George R.R. Martin was most likely replying to the comment made by one Tyrion Draper who want the author to correct the number of misinterpretation on publisher Jane Johnson's earlier comments on the "Winds of Winter" release date.

The commenter wrote: "Since it's now being widely interpreted and reported as an official statement that Winds won't or can't be released this year, as well as that the books finishing before the show is impossible, I wanted to let you know how many news sites are publishing speculation as fact that they believe has been confirmed by a reliable source - including the Wall Street Journal, Time, Entertainment Weekly, the Hollywood Reporter, the AV Club..."

Tyrion Draper added that the reports have placed George R. R. Martin at a conundrum.

"It would be difficult to correct it without implying that the book will or could be released this year, which may or may not be true, and which you don't want to confirm yet if so."

"But either way, I wanted to let you know what speculation is currently being treated as truth so that you could decide what, if anything, should be said," he wrote.

George R.R. Martin has earlier said that he would announce the "Winds of Winter" release date when it's finished on his blog, and without fanfare.

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