Bruce Jenner Sex Change Update: Transition Supported By His Mother; What Did She Tell Him?

Updates on the Bruce Jenner sex change news has been making the waves on the internet.

This is after reports about Bruce's recent car accident that killed one person, surfaced the internet. After the car accident, any report that had Bruce's name in it, whether it was related to his accident or not, has been trending.

One report that seems to be more relevant than ever is his sex change rumors. As previously reported, Bruce has allegedly been trying to transition from a man to a woman, with recent alleged operations to help him with his physical appearance.

One of the alleged operations done on him was taking out his adam's apple. Gossip sites were quick to pick up the rumor as fans notice change in his neck. And upon comparing old photos with his recent look, they were certain he had it chopped off to look more feminine.

To supplement the Bruce Jenner Sex change rumors, an interview with the former olympian's 88-year-old Mother has been conducted by The Associated Press, and was reported by USA Today. According to the source cited, Esther Jenner is in full support of her son's decision. 

"It was brief and I said I was proud of him and that I'll always love him. I never thought I could be more proud of Bruce when he reached his goal in 1976, but I'm more proud of him now. It takes a lot of courage to do what he's doing," she said, after being asked if she has recently spoken with her son.

Adding to her statement, she said that Bruce owns up to his sex change, but reassures her that he will still be the same person.

"'Mom, I'm still the same person.' He said, 'I'm still going to race cars, I'm still going to fly airplanes and I'm going to get my helicopter license," adds Esther.

"He said, 'I want to be honest about my identity and I know this is coming out in the press,'" the proud mother continues. "He started by saying, 'We need to have a long, serious talk.' I am at peace with what he is and what he's doing."

The Bruce Jenner sex change news has been ongoing since early last year, and even after numerous denials, still has been circulating the internet.

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