Han Seungyeon Talks About A Hidden Message In Her Solo Song 'Guilty'

Han Seungyeon revealed that the lyrics in her solo song called "Guilty," have her hidden thoughts.

On Friday, through KARA's official YouTube channel and various other music sites, KARA's album with their solo songs called "Solo Collection" was revealed, along with a music video. After the songs were released, the member's interviews regarding this album was revealed on a music board.

Han Seungyeon participated in writing lyrics for the song and revealed her 'honest thoughts.' When she was asked how she felt about participating in this song, she replied, "for the 6 years I was working with KARA, I was happy, but there were times that were hard too. Through those times, I didn't want to fall and wanted to become a stronger person. In this song, "Guilty," I wanted to write about my hope of wanting to be strong and not being shaken."

Han Seungueon's solo song, "Guilty," is a hard rock genre and has strong guitar sounds and her shouting singing. She stepped away from KARA's unique lovely image and successfully transformed into a 'rocker' image.

In the music video, she had red hair with strong smokey makeup when she was 'Black Seungyeon." She also was seen wearing a pure flowing dress when she was 'White Seung Yeon.'

Meanwhile, KARA's special album, KARA Solo Collection will release their offline regular edition and limited edition on Tuesday.

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Han Seungyeon
KARA Solo Collection
