Bruce Jenner Sex Change Confirmed? Mom Esther Jenner Goes On An Interview Leading Fans To Confirm Speculations!

The news about the controversial Bruce Jenner sex change has fans digging deep to find out whether this rumor is true or not.

As previously reported, numerous sites have been claiming that his transition from a male to being a female has been getting more evident for the public to speculate more about. According to fans, the fact that the "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" star has not released any official statements about the rumor only proves that he is indeed undergoing the said process of transitioning.

The former olympiad has been rumored to have undergone several operations already to look more like a woman. One of the alleged operations include the removal of his evident Adam's Apple. Fans claim that the before and after photo of his neck, published around the internet, is one solid proof that he has indeed undergone surgery.

To support these Bruce Jenner Sex change rumors, his widowed mom, Esther Jenner, reportedly underwent an interview with The Associated Press, during which she confessed about her son's alleged transformation.

"It was brief and I said I was proud of him and that I'll always love him," said the 88-year-old in the interview, as reported by USA Today. "I never thought I could be more proud of Bruce when he reached his goal in 1976, but I'm more proud of him now. It takes a lot of courage to do what he's doing."

"'Mom, I'm still the same person,' he said, 'I'm still going to race cars, I'm still going to fly airplanes and I'm going to get my helicopter license."

Along with Esther, fans also show support by posting their sentiments on their respective social media accounts.

"He said, 'I want to be honest about my identity and I know this is coming out in the press,'" Bruce's mom further says. "He started by saying, 'We need to have a long, serious talk.' I am at peace with what he is and what he's doing."

Currently, rumors about a reality TV series documenting the alleged Bruce Jenner sex change has been circulating the internet. Fans are convinced that this is might be one of the reasons why Bruce has been keeping mum about the issue--because he wants to pour it all out in the TV series.

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