Is ‘Cinderella’ Actress Lily James Bragging About Her ‘Tiny’ Waist In Response To Criticism About Her Dress In Movie?

"Cinderella" actress Lily James is biting back and defending her body against criticism that her waist looks too "tiny" in that classic blue dress. But is Lily James just bragging about her perfect body and making us feel bad about ourselves?

There has been a lot of controversy about Lily James' waistline in the upcoming Disney movie - the actress even admitted to going on a liquid diet to fit into the corseted dress that her character Cinderella wears.

When some accused Disney of using CGI to make her look smaller and thinner in the film, Lily James defended her body - but the way she talked about herself made us want to put down that last cupcake.

"I have naturally a quite small waist," James told ABC's Nightline.

"And on top of that, I have a corset that was pulled me [within an] inch of my life ... And then the skirt is so big that the perspective and the proportions make it look smaller than it is."

Lily accused the press for being the source of the controversy.

"I think it's all very hypocritical, and they contradict themselves, and they're drawing more attention to it," she told the Los Angeles Times. "I think all that stuff's so negative, and you've got to let it wash over your head," she said. "I'm so healthy. I've got hips and boobs and a bum and a small waist."

Well aren't you just so lucky, Lily - you were blessed with having everything.

And while she did say she had to go on a liquid diet while wearing the corset (otherwise her food wouldn't digest properly and she'd burp in co-star Richard Madden's face all day), Madden also vouched for her "healthy" body and said: "That's her real waist; I held it, I know how tiny it was. And she did eat. She eats like a boy."

Not only does Lily have "hips and boobs and a bum and a small waist," but she's also apparently able to "eat like a boy." Not fair, Lily, not fair.

In an interview with HuffPost Live, the actress was asked whether she had been prepared for the criticism about the way her waist looks in that dress, and the effect it may have on young children watching the film.

James said: "On one hand its upsetting and one the other hand it's just boring. I mean, why do women always get pointed at for their bodies?"

We're sorry us mere humans are so boring.

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