Celebrities Team Up Against ‘Fashion Police’ After Giuliana Rancic, Zendaya Scandal: Lena Dunham To Jane Lynch Support Kathy Griffin Quitting

Kathy Griffin, who replaced Joan Rivers on "Fashion Police" earlier this year after her tragic death, unexpectedly quit on Thursday and rumor has it E! executives are considering cancelling the show altogether. Celebrities from Lena Dunham to Jane Lynch are support Kathy Griffin's decision to quit, leading execs to believe that without celebrity support, "Fashion Police" won't be able to go on following the Guiliana Rancic-Zendaya scandal.

A source told the New York Daily News that "Fashion Police" was labeled a "hassle" by execs, who are upset that celebrities are now trashing the show since Joan Rivers' death and the comments Giuliana Rancic made about Zendaya's hair on the red carpet: she said Zendaya's hair probably smelled like "weed."

"Lena Dunham, Rosie O'Donnell and Jane Lynch all tweeted supporting Kathy. That's not good. E! can't survive without celebrity cooperation," the source told the Daily News.

Kelly Osbourne, who also quit after the Zendaya scandal, tweeted, "I could not be more proud of you @kathygriffin you have my love and support always!"

Though execs warned Griffin not to discuss too many details about the drama at "Fashion Police," she told the Chicago Sun-Times' Splash magazine: "Don't have anyone write your jokes or even suggest jokes for you on Fashion Police."

Rancic "has enough great insider gossip from actually being on the red carpet," she added. "That's what fans want to hear the next day. Just talk and be yourself."

A source told Us Weekly that Griffin expected she'd have more creative control on the show.

"It wasn't the relationship behind the scenes that Kathy had expected when she had stepped up to fill Joan's role," the insider told the publication. "She wasn't given the leeway to make it something that she could operate within. She's not Joan Rivers and she knows that. She's Kathy Griffin and her way of comedy wasn't able to operate within the show's structure."

"I discovered that my style does not fit with the creative direction of the show and now it's time to move on," Griffin announced on Twitter. "My brand of humor, while unrepentant and unafraid, is all about CONTEXT...Listen, I am no saint...But I do not want to use my comedy to contribute to a culture of unattainable perfectionism and intolerance towards difference."

Rancic and Brad Goreski are the only ones left as co-hosts. Despite the unexpected shift, E! released a statement saying the show will "return as scheduled on Monday, March 30, at 9 p.m." 

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