Leonardo DiCaprio Private Island: 'Wolf Of Wall Street Actor' To Open Eco-Friendly Resort On His Private Island. Find Out Exciting Details Here.

Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio has recently announced that he is creating an eco-friendly resort on a private island that he owns.

The actor, who is a known environmental advocate, purchased the 104 acre island in Belize years ago. While it has been a couple of years already, it is only now that he is seeing potential in the said property.   

Teaming up with Delos chief executive Paul Scialla, the pair are in the process of building what will be known to the world as "Blackadore Cave, a Restorative Island." It will be a luxe resort composed of villas, infinity pools, and all the pampering that might be expected of a five star experience.

According to reports, the difference with the whole development is that it will not only be the guests who will be experiencing rejuvenation. The island itself, which has been the victim of overfishing, a slowly eroding coastline, and a deteriorating mangrove due to deforestation, will also be "rejuvenated."

Over the years, the island has become a favorite spot of fishermen who cut down mangrove trees and farmed the surrounding waters for conch. Meanwhile, the palm trees of the island were taken and transplanted to give hotels in Belize a more tropical look.

Leonardo DiCaprio and his team plan to create an eco-resort that would be built to help bring back the island's natural beauty. "We don't want to just do less harm or even have zero impact, but to actually help heal the island, to make it better than before," said Paul Scialla, Leo's partner.

Villas will be built over the water. The surrounding waters itself will be home to artificial reefs and fish sanctuaries. Mangrove trees will be planted, as well as marine grass to encourage manatee conservation.

"The main focus is to do something that will change the world," DiCaprio said in an interview with the New York Times. "I couldn't have gone to Belize and built on an island and done something like this, if it weren't for the idea that it could be groundbreaking in the environmental movement."

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Leonardo DiCaprio Private Island
