'Indiana Jones' 5 Confirmed! Bradley Cooper Set To Replace Harrison Ford?

A sequel to "Indiana Jones" is going to happen. This was confirmed by Vanity Fair magazine in their June issue which features a cover feature on the latest "Star Wars" flick, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

It can be recalled that in 2012, Disney Films and Paramount Pictures had agreed on a financial deal for "future films," but is only now that there is confirmation that "Indiana Jones" will be getting a new installment in its franchise. Up until last year, there was still nothing to go on in terms of getting a confirmed greenlight for the movie.

"We haven't done anything," Disney chairman Alan Horn said in an interview with Variety last year. "We don't have a story. We need a story."

But in the Vanity Fair cover story, Kathleen Kennedy, president of LucasFilm, did make it more official by saying that the movie will get made.

"In buying the company, Disney also got rights, for better or worse, to less-storied Lucasfilm properties, among them 'Willow' and  'Radioland Murders,'" Kennedy  confirmed ."A bigger prize is the 'Indiana Jones' franchise."

Kennedy then confirmed that the "Indiana Jones" movie "will one day be made inside this company. "

But as to shooting and production schedules, everything is still up in the air. "When it will happen, I'm not quite sure," she explained. "We haven't started working on a script yet, but we are talking about it."

As was emphasized by both Horn and Kennedy, production can only start when the right script comes along. Vanity Fair speculated that it might be up to Kennedy herself to shop around for a screenplay, since she was the executive producer for Steven Spielberg, who directed the "Indiana Jones" movies.

But who will fill in the shoes of Harrison Ford in portraying the archaeology professor/treasure hunter? Previous reports pointed to Bradley Cooper. And Harrison Ford is also quoted as saying that "perfectly appropriate and O.K." to come back as Indy.

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