George R.R. Martin Takes Time Off From Rushing 'Winds Of Winter' Release Date As Author Visits Kansas

Despite calls for him to drop his extra-curricular activities and focus on the "Winds of Winter" release date, George R. R. Martin nevertheless took a downtime and visited Kansas.

In his blog, the author shared that they visited the Cosmophere in Hutchison.

"For those of you who have not heard of it (most of you, I assume), this is an air and space museum second only to the Smithsonian. Truly an amazing collection. They have a V-1 and a V-2. They have the backup Sputnik. They have a Bell X-1... not the original, no, but the one used in THE RIGHT STUFF, which is almost as cool," he wrote.

"They have a Blackbird. And they have, yes, the original genuine Liberty Bell 7 and Apollo 13, as well as all sorts of other amazing stuff."

But rabid fans can forgive George R. R. Martin for going to Kansas even if they want him to rush the "Winds of Winter" release date. The visit is a sort of a tradition for him dating back decades.

He was the "Editor Guest" at Conquest, which he first visited in 1972 and where he met Howard Waldrop, "with whom I'd been exchanging letters since 1963."

Previously, Geek ran an article urging George R. R. Martin to ditch his blog because that takes away from his writing for "Winds of Winter."

"Martin is an avid blogger and a seemingly avid procrastinator that loves hanging out at comic book and sci-fi conventions," it said.

The website added, "He was in the news this March when he announced he wasn't going to San Diego Comic-Con this year so he could continue work on his next book. Sad news for fans attending the Con and devastating news for those waiting for the new book: this July marks four years since A Dance With Dragons, and he's still going to be working?"

But George R. R. Martin told Entertainment Weekly, that he plans to announce the release date for "Winds of Winter" before "Game of Thrones" season 6.

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