Carney Enrages Bieber Fans: Black Keys Drummer Responds To Bieber's Tweet That He Should Be 'Slapped Around' With New Twitter Profile [PHOTOS]

Patrick Carney has enraged Justin Bieber fans with a new Twitter profile calling himself Patric Bieber Carney. It features a profile photo of Justin Bieber wearing Carney's trademark black wire-rimmed glasses.

The Black Keys drummer also used his Twitter account to retweet a photo of Carney and his bandmate Dan Aurbach holding their awards from the 2013 Grammys with Bieber's face pasted on Carney's body.

Carney's Twitter prank enraged Justin Bieber fans, some of who took to the Black Keys drummer's Twitter page on Sunday to express how they felt about it.

"Do you even know how stupid and immature u look doing this?" asked Twitter user  @MaddiBelieber01. "Aren't u like fifty?"

"U look great and young." Carney responded, with the hash tag #jealous.

"You look in mirror urself u will never be justin stop lying to urself is so patetic ok, swag out," tweeted Sabrina McDonnell.

"U r my mirror" was Carney's reply.

The battle between Carney and Bieber started when Biebs apparently became enraged at comments the Black Keys drummer made to TMZ following the Grammys.

When asked on Sunday night after the 2013 Grammy Awards if Bieber should have felt snubbed by not receiving a single Grammy nomination, Carney asked TMZ "He's rich right?"

"Grammys are for like music, not for money...and he's making a lot of money," Carney said as he was getting into a car after The Black Keys won three Grammys. "He should be happy."

A seemingly enraged Bieber ripped Carney on Twitter on Tuesday, writing "the black keys drummer should be slapped around haha."

Although Carney hasn't publicly responded to Bieber's request to physically assault him, the phony Twitter profile would appear to be the newest salvo in the battle of the drummers.

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Patrick Carney
