Zayn Malik Rejoining One Direction? Details Revealed!

Rumors are flying that Zayn Malik is rejoining his former band One Direction. The Mirror reported that rumors have floated that Zayn was going back to One Direction after several fans jumped to conclusions about several instances that occurred on the internet and in social media.

First there was the incident when One Direction deleted their announcement last March that Zayn had left the band. This was the first instance that fans concluded that Zayn would be coming back.

Next was when Simon Cowell tweeted last June that he "lots to tell everyone" concering Zayn Malik and one direction. Fans assumed that this was going to be the big announcement that Zayn was coming back.

And then, there the tweet from Zayn Malik's new producer, Naughty Boy. The record producer tweeted, "Made enough to go legit but you just can't quit." For fans this was another hint that supported their theory that Zayn Malik was indeed rejoining One Direction.

It wasn't long until the hashtag #ZaynIsComingBack started trending on social media. But insider sources have revealed that these are all rumors that have no basis.

Zayn Malik is apparently busy building his solo career. MIC Righteous has even leaked a cover of Rae Sremmurd's single "No Type," and the rapper claimed that the song featured Zayn's singing voice.

But Naughty Boy, Zayn's producer, has not confirmed this, and instead asked the fans to "wait for the real one."

He tweeted, ""that had nothing to do with me or Zayn, something was stolen from the hard drive that had nothing to do with the rapper involved."

"Just wait for the real one you won't be disappointed," he added.

For his part, MIC Righteous has responded to Naughty Boy's tweet with his own post on social media.  "Lol @NaughtyBoyMusic tell the truth shah. We recorded them bars in ur studio months ago... Bout 'stolen hard drive."

In any case, fans should be able to hear the official new single of Zayn Malik soon. Stay tuned for updates.

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