Kate Middleton Suffers From Post Baby Depression? Duchess Of Cambridge Tired Of Caring For Prince George And Princess Charlotte?

After giving birth to two heirs to the throne, Kate Middleton is now reportedly suffering from post-baby depression. Rumors also have it that the Duchess of Cambridge is tired of caring for Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Kate Middleton, who wowed the world with her unbelievably svelte post-baby body just mere weeks after giving birth to Princess Charlotte, is reportedly going through a stage of depression.

According to Dr. Julie Armstrong, from The Inquisitr report, Kate Middleton is feeling the pressure of having to juggle her time with Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

The expert said, "Giving birth is a huge undertaking, and then there's the stress and strain of family and a baby whose needs are 24/7."

A report from Closer Weekly said that Prince George also wants to have his mother's time all by himself.

A source said, "George wants to be involved with everything concerning Charlotte, but he also wants his mom to himself."

Dr. Armstrong stressed that Kate Middleton's psychological well-being might suffer, which could lead to her feeling drained.

This also prompted rumors that Prince William's better half is now tired of taking care of Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Meanwhile, there are reports that Queen Elizabeth and the Duchess of Cambridge are having a conflict when it comes to raising the young royalties.

"With Kate Middleton's royal revolution, breaking traditions to raise the children herself with a family focus, it appears she is starting to feel the pressure," a report from Celebrity Dirty Laundry said.

The Queen allegedly wanted Prince George and Princess Charlotte to be raised as royal class rather than Kate Middleton's preferred middle class rearing for her two young kids.

Amid the news on Kate Middleton's rumored depression, her mother Carole reportedly sees to it that she is there to help her eldest daughter.

The report said that Carole helps in preparing healthy food for Kate Middleton in line with the Duchess of Cambridge's post-baby body regimen that includes diet and rigorous fitness workout.

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Kate Middleton post baby body
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Duchess of Cambridge
