HIGH4 Begin Month-Long Promotion Of 2nd Japanese EP ‘Hi Summer’ With Autograph Session At Tower Records In Tokyo

HIGH4 began a month-long promotion for their second Japanese EP "Hi Summer."

HIGH4 left to Japan on July 10 and held their first promotional event from July 11 to July 12 at Tower Records in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Japan.

The group gave a small live performance and held an autograph event. Many fans came to the event to interact with HIGH4, which was not a surprise with the group's accomplishment of 20,000 record pre-sales for "Hi Summer." All the members of the group made eye contact with each fan throughout the event and showed their sincere love and gratitude toward their fans.

HIGH4 will continue their promotion in Nagoya, Osaka, and elsewhere in Tokyo and hold various events.

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