Caitlyn Jenner’s Reality Show Not Supported By Brody Jenner? ‘Sex With Brody’ Star Speaks Up About Not Participating In ‘I Am Cait’

Caitlyn Jenner's reality show is allegedly not being supported by her son, Brody Jenner. According to a report from Digital Spy, the "Sex With Brody" star spoke up about why he and brother Brandon Jenner will not be participating in "I Am Cait."

The 31-year-old son of Linda Thompson clarified that he does not resent his transgender father. The father-of-six formerly known as Bruce Jenner recently confessed his gender identity crisis in a Diane Sawyer tell-all interview, which was shortly followed by his debut as a woman in Vanity Fair.

Brody Jenner said that while he and his older brother fully support the former Olympian, they have their reasons for not participating in Caitlyn Jenner's reality show.

"The [Vanity Fair] article's been out for so long and all of a sudden I'm reading these things, saying I'm so annoyed," Brody Jenner narrated.

"I'm not annoyed at all. Not even in the slightest bit am I annoyed. I've been reading these Google alerts I'm getting, going, 'Oh great, where did this come from', [and] it's all a load of BS."

"The only reason why we didn't do this show is I'm doing this show 'Sex with Brody', we're both extremely busy and I think that there are some things that it's okay not to be on television for," he clarified.

Aside from his guest appearances in "Keeping Up with the Kardashians," Brody Jenner was also part of the hit MTV reality series "The Hills." The DJ and presenter admitted that reality TV has burned him out, which seems to have influenced his absence from Caitlyn Jenner's reality show.

"I don't think you need to share every single bit of your personal life with the rest of the world," Brody Jenner pointed out.

"I believe in a little bit of privacy. The reason why my brother and I didn't do the show is I've been doing reality TV for a really long time and I just wanted to do something different. "

"That's nothing to do with me being unsupportive. I think that's great if that's what she wants to do, all the power to her but just because she wants to do that doesn't mean the rest of the family have to jump on board," he explained.

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