Nicole Kidman Wants Another Baby With Keith Urban; 'It Wont Happen,' Said The Actress!

Nicole Kidman has revealed that she wants another baby with her husband Keith Urban. 

In an interview with Vogue US, the 48-year-old revealed that having two more kids with her husband would be a delight. She also revealed that she wishes she met Keith at a younger age, that way, it would be easier to bear more kids.

"I wish I could have met him much earlier and had way more children with him," she said. "But I didn't. I mean, if I could have had two more children with him, that would have been just glorious. But as Keith says, 'The wanting mind, Nicole. Shut it down.'"

Numerous entertainment sites have since piced up the news of Nicole's intent to have more kids. The Sydney Morning Herald cited another incident where Nicole candidly talked about having more kids, particularly during an interview at "The Kyle and Jackie O Show" held last year.

"I hope every month I am pregnant but I never am," she said. "I would be jumping for joy, but it won't happen; I'm 47."

To add to Nicole Kidman's intent on having another baby with her husband Keith Urban, the "Water for Elephants" star also talked about her current family crisis during the Vogue cover shoot interview.

As one can recall, Kidman's father recently just passed away. According to her, the Vogue interviewers caught her at a very fragile time where she is still recovering from the loss and is very much in grief.

"There are times you go, 'Gosh, I wish I could just go and hide in a hole and never come out'," she revealed.

Her father, Antony, died September of last year, and passed away due to a sudden heart attack while he was on a trip to visit his other daughter, Antonia.

Kidman said that she has been coping through it by being with her family.

"I have a four-year-old and a six-year-old, and just hearing their laugh ... it's life in its most powerful form," she said, as quoted by the first source cited above.

News about Nicole Kidman's wish to have another baby with Keith Urban's has been making the rounds on the internet since.

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