Dennis Rodman Said He Will Vacation With North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un During Radio Interview With Fargo News Station KXJB [VIDEO]

Dennis Rodman told a Fargo, N.D. news station KXJB that he plans to return to North Korea in August to vacation with Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader of the country.

Rodman didn't say what the duo plans to do when they reunite.

The NBA star visited North Korea last month to shoot a documentary for HBO and spent time with Kim Jong Un while a basketball exhibition was taking place.

The basketball Hall of Famer has said the dictator is an "awesome guy" and called him "a friend for life," in a recent interview with the Washington Post.

Before leaving the country, Rodman was quoted as saying of Kim:

"Guess what? I love him."

Kim Jong Un is considered a dictator and conducted public executions last year, according to the Daily NK.

"I don't condone what he does," Rodman told Fargo's KXJB, "but he's my friend."

During the interview, Rodman was asked:

"Do you consider Kim Jong Un just a 28-year-old guy, not like his dad, not like his grandfather?"

"I think that his grandfather and his father built this whole thing up [so] he has to do this," Rodman said. "[Kim Jong Un] doesn't want to do anything, that part I know."

The five-time NBA champion said it was too political for him to reach out to the United States government after the North Korean dictator told him he wanted President Barack Obama to call him.

In an attempt to stand up for Kim Jong Un, Rodman ended the interview by saying, "How you gonna kill the world? How you gonna kill the [expletive] world?"

See Dennis Rodman discuss his vacation plans with Kim Jong Un RIGHT HERE:

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