Original ‘Yes’ Guitarist And Founding Member Peter Bank Died At 65 In London, Doctors Say Cause Of Death Was Heart Failure

The original guitarist and founding member of the British rock bad 'Yes' Peter Banks died at the age of 65 in his London home. Rolling Stone magazine says that Banks died of heart failure.

Peter Banks played guitar on the first 2 'Yes' albums. Their first and self titled album 'Yes' was released in 1969. Their second 'Time and a word' was released in 1970. Peter Banks would go on to form two other bands, 'Flash' and 'Empire.' He would record three albums with each band.

Peter Banks came up with the band name 'Yes' but it was never meant to be the band's permanent title. It was just a space saver until the group came up with an official name. By the time their first album was released the name had stuck.

On the 'Yes' Facebook page the band made an official announcement expressing their sadness over the death of their friend and band mate.

"We are deeply saddened to learn about the passing of fellow band mate and founding Yes member, Peter Banks. He was a huge piece of the fabric that made Yes what it is, and our thoughts, sincere condolences, and prayers are with him and his family. Peter, we shall miss you greatly.

"Fans also went on the bands Facebook page to express their feeling about the death of the rock legend.

Todd Fleming says, "Just found out and am very upset. Pete was one of the greats period. Listen to any Flash album to understand why. May he be at peace. He certainly didn't get the kudos or respect he deserved when he was alive."

Clifford W. Stewart posted, "My heart is saddened for the loss of Peter Banks. He will be truly missed by me! My condolences to his family, friends and to Yes!"

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