McDonald's Sued After 2-Year-Old Allegedly Eats Used Condom in Play Area

McDonald is sued by a mother claiming that her toddler ate a used condom found at the restaurant's play area in Chicago's Gage Park neighborhood.

Anishi Spencer filed the lawsuit Wednesday in Cook County Circuit Court on behalf of herself and two sons, Jacquel, 2 and Jonathan Hines then 3, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

The alleged incident occurred on February 4, 2012 when the boys found the used condom on the play area floor, Spencer claims in the lawsuit. Jacquel later coughed up a piece of the condom and both of her sons had to receive medical treatment.

The lawsuit accuses McDonalds Corp. and McDonalds of Illinois of failing to properly clean hazardous debris from an area used by children and for not using surveillance procedures to uncover "deviant activities" on site. Claiming negligence, Spencer seeks compensation for the medical treatment as we as $50,000 in damages.

McDonald's sent the following statement to the Huffington Post.

"Providing a safe, clean environment is a top priority for us. This restaurant is no exception. We take these matters seriously and investigate all claims to gather the facts. At the time the lawsuit was filed, we had not completed our investigation and at no time have we given the alleged object in question to examine. These are just allegations and we strongly caution anyone from jumping to conclusions without having the facts.

Because this is now a pending legal matter, it would be inappropriate to further comment or speculate."

Wanda Haltek, Director of Operations
McDonald's USA

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