Kobe Bryant Injury Blamed Foul Play by Dahntay Jones, Argument Ensues on Twitter [VIDEO]

Kobe Bryant suffered a severely sprained left ankle Wednesday night in Atlanta.

As Bryant came down from a jump shot onto defender Dahntay Jones' foot, rolling his ankle on the awkward landing. This was during the fourth quarter of the heated game between the hometown Hawks and Los Angeles Lakers.

The Hawkes ended up winning the game with 96-92 and Bryant was upset as he was "out indefinitely" with the injury due to what he believed to be dirty play, although X-rays were negative.

After the game, Bryant openly talked about how dangerous the situation is, "As defensive players, you can contest shots, but you can't walk underneath players," Bryant said. "That's dangerous for the shooter."

He was asked by reporters if Jones' play was "deliberate."

"I don't ever want to put that on somebody, I really don't," Bryant said. "I just think players need to be made conscious of it and I think officials need to protect shooters. Period."

Deliberate or not, Bryant was upset that Wednesday likely was the Lakers' final game against the Hawks this season.

"I can't get my mind past the fact that I got to wait a year to get revenge," he said.

Bryant went to Twitter to complain about the "effort" or "tactic" by Jones.

Jones responded to Bryant's postgame comments claiming he didn't try to hurt him.

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