Wayne Newton's Animals Sold To Oregon Wildlife Center For Cheap; Animal Lovers Can Buy A Penguin For Only $1,000

Wayne Newton's animals were sold this week in Nevada.

Newton had been having financial troubles, and this week a bankruptcy court judge approved the sale of Wayne Newton's 280 exotic animals.

Wayne Newton's animals were sold to an Oregon wildlife center for $27,300, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

The low price (less than $100 per animal) reportedly represents a decline in the value of exotic animals, according to Good Morning America.

The seller, CSD LLC, owns Newton's Casa de Shenandoah estate near Las Vegas.

The manager of the estate's wildlife center, Jasmin Bigbee, said in the bankruptcy court papers that the current market for exotic animals is "saturated" due to oversupply. The number of facilities licensed to care for them is also low.

For example, CSD's leger showed that the estate paid $10,500 for a single penguin in 2010. But today, a penguin can be purchased for as little as $1,000, according to the Oregon wildlife center.

An Oregon wildlife center employee also blamed the lagging U.S. economy for the decline in exotic animal prices.

She wrote to ABC News, "the rate of new, qualified facilities has not kept up with the propagation activities of the actively held species," and that the decline in the economy has "made funds tight for new facilities."

The buyer of Wayne Newton's animal collection, The Zoological Wildlife Conservation Center and Sloth Captive Husbandry Research Center seems to be excited about the arrival of the new animals, and not just about the cheap price.

"Our specialty is our vast collection of the ultra-delicate, two-fingered sloth," said one staffer.

Other staffers expressed happiness at getting back two sloths that had been initially purchased from the husbandry research center.

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