Pope Pays Hotel Bill 'Giving A Good Example Of What Priests And Bishops Should Do'

Pope Francis just started his new job, but after he paid for his hotel bill, people are starting to realize this is a whole new kind of papacy.

When the new pope returned to the hotel he had been staying at in the days leading up to his election to pick up his luggage, he also made sure to pay the bill.

Thursday, Pope Francis's first day on the job, he proved to the world that his papal style is one of actions rather than words, and also set himself apart from his predecessor, Benedict XVI.

His clothes were the first sign. Francis kept things easy with the plain white cassock and simple iron cross from his bishop days. Much the opposite of Benedict who favored a lavish red cape.

The new pope's first mass was also wildly different. He spoke honestly and earnestly with the congregations about the need to walk with God, build up His church, and confess. The message was simple, clear and differed greatly from the dense rhetoric of the former pope.

Many have attributed this approachable ministry to the Francis's belief that the church should be accessible to the people and the belief that the word of God should be taken to the streets.

Whatever his beliefs, Pope Francis appears to lead by example, and circling back to his hotel on Thursday to pay the bill is proof of that.

After retrieving his luggage, the pope reportedly stopped by the front desk to say hello to the staff and pay his bill "because he was concerned about giving a good example of what priests and bishops should do."

"It seems to me for now what is certain is it's a great change of style, which for us isn't a small thing," remarked Sergio Rubin, authorized Benedict biographer said to the Associated Press. Rubin recalled the former Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio entertaining Masses of homeless people and prostitutes in Buenos Aires.

"He believes the church has to go to the streets," Rubin continued, "to express this closeness of the church and this accompaniment with those who are suffering."

A pope who pays his hotel bill? High praise for Pope Francis who seems to be off to a good start.

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