13-Page Suicide Note Left by Cynthia Wachenhem Who Jumped From 8th Floor With Keston Strapped To Her Chest [VIDEO]

A 13-page suicide note was left by a Manhattan attorney who jumped from her eighth floor apartment in Harlem holding her 10-month-old son, Keston Bacharachon Wednesday and the baby miraculously survived with little more than scratches.

Cynthia Wachenheim left a 13-page handwritten suicide note before she took the fatal plunge, in which she described her final act as "evil."

Wachenheim was an attorney on leave from the Manhattan Supreme Court and she apparently believed that Keston suffered from cerebral palsy or some neurological disorder after two falls. She blamed herself for the falls despite doctors who found nothing wrong.

The handwritten suicide note on small pages of notebook paper was found under Wachenheim's bed; it was described as incoherent and mainly was about how she failed as a mother.

"I love you. I'm making you suffer. You're going to think I'm evil,'" according to a source, elaborating on what the note said. "She thinks she's a failing mother. On the last page, she refers to postpartum depression. She was supposed to see a therapist, but she blew him off."

"As the note goes on, you get the idea she's explaining why she's going to do it," the source continued.

"I heard a small scream when she was in the air," said witness Steven Dominguez, 18. "I noticed something falling, but I didn't want to believe it was a person."

"It was a loud bang," he said outside the woman's building on Bradhurst Ave. near W. 147th St. "It sounded like a big piece of wood hitting the floor."

"When I got closer, I saw the baby crying," he said. "I was shocked. I couldn't believe it."

A police source said Wachenheim was taking antidepressants and that pills were found in the apartment.

Authorities determined the note was written by Wachenheim by comparing it to handwriting samples.

Wachenheim, a high school valedictorian in Albany and Columbia Law grad worked as an associate court attorney with the Manhattan State Supreme Court.

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