President Obama Fantasizes About Wearing A Fake Mustache To Interact With Israelis, Trip To Israel Slated For Week Before Passover [VIDEO]

In an interview with Israel channel 2 news correspondent Yonit Levy Thursday, President Obama said he fantasizes about disguising himself, in "a fake mustache," in order to interact informally with Israel's citizens along next week's trip to the Holy Land.

"Sometimes I have this fantasy that I can put on a disguise, wear a fake mustache, and I can wander through Tel Aviv, and go to a bar and have a conversation," President Obama said. "Or go down to a university and meet with some students in a setting where it wasn't as formal."

According to The New York Times, President Obama's planned stops in his 48-hour-long trip to Israel will include the Church of the Nativity, Jerusalem's convention center, Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem and the Israel Museum, where Obama will view the Dead Sea Scrolls.

"Any presidential visit to Israel is highly sensitive because Jerusalem is the crucible of three world religions," said Martin S. Indyk, a former American ambassador to Israel, "and everything about the Holy Land is highly symbolic and usually contested."

President Obama's trip to the Holy Land is scheduled the week before Passover, a festival marking Israel's historical freedom from Egyptian bondage.

Watch the President Obama interview about the fake mustache HERE (21:13) :

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