Rob Blagojevich Prison Teacher: Former Illinois Governor Teaching History & Learning The Guitar, Wife Reveals [VIDEO]

Rod Blagojevich the former Illinois Governor is said to have been teaching Civil War history and learning to play the guitar at the federal prison in Englewood, Colorado as he marks his one-year anniversary Friday on federal corruption charges.

Patti Blagojevich spoke about her husband on Facebook, "All that we have been left with is a aching hole in our lives."

The post was confirmed to written by Patti Blagojevich by Glenn Selig, a longtime spokesman for Rod Blagojevich.

Blagojevich during the past year have called home every night, or nearly so and his family visited him many times. He arrived at the prison on March 15, 2012 as he was found guilty on 18 counts.

There aren't many people who head to prison surrounded by crowds, but then, very few governors go to prison.

"Whenever I correspond with him, he's optimistic, he's positive, never down and depressed," said attorney Aaron Goldstein.

Goldstein says the former governor has adapted the best as anyone can do, working prison jobs, as all inmates do, running prison track, reading a lot, writing a diary, and learning to play guitar. The history classes he teaches is so popular that for the first time there, fellow inmates had to be turned-way.

"The only thing he feels bad about of course, obviously is that he misses his family terribly," attorney Sam Adam, Jr. said. No doubt about that, but other than that, he could be elected mayor of the penitentiary if he ran for it."

"That's his goal, to speak with his daughters every night, that's what keeps him going, the love that they have, and his commitment and desire to be with them again is what sort or gets him through every day," attorney Lauren Kaeseberg said.

Patti Blagojevich wrote that attorneys are "working diligently" on her husband's appeal but they wouldn't have any answers for at least six months.

"When you measure how much Rod has missed - the birthdays, holidays, Amy passing her driving test, the music recitals, and even just the ordinary moments at breakfast time before the girls leave for school - the loss feels all-consuming," she wrote.

"Unfortunately, those moments have been stolen from my children and there is not getting them back," she added.

The court set April 25 as the deadline for Blagojevich's appeal to be filed. If the case is received by the appeals court late next month, then it won't be until fall which is the earliest before they render a judgment.

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