Pope Francis I Stumbles Meeting College Of Cardinals; Recovers Quickly To Greet Cardinals At Sala Clemintina, Vatican City

Pope Francis stumbles as he steps down from an altar to greet the College of Cardinals for the first time at Sala Clemintina, the Vatican this week.

Pope Francis's shoe caught in his long white robe, causing the newly inducted pope to trip and stumble.

Pope Francis I, or Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, was able to regain his footing and avoid a fall.

Pope Francis has already won over many supporters for taking a more humble approach to conducting his papal duties.

Earlier this week, Pope Francis shocked followers when he paid his own hotel bill, picked up his own luggage ad a Vatican hotel, and personally thanked each staff member who had served him, according to Christian Press.

This new papal image has been highlighted by the media, suggesting that Pope Francis's will be a different style of papacy than any we have seen before.

However, those who have known Pope Francis have insisted that this humility is not new; it is simply the man being himself.

As a Cardinal, Francis used to take the bus to work. He gained notoriety for kissing AIDS patients' feet and praying with prostitutes.

He also shunned the potential perks of his previous position, rejecting the apartment provided to him for his role as archbishop of Buenos Aires. Instead he chose to live in more sparse quarters.

Within hours of being elected, Pope Francis delivered a short ad-hoc homily in Italian instead of the traditional Latin.

In the homily, Pop Francis urged Catholics to help build up the Church and remain faithful. He told Catholics to set a high example and facilitate a spiritual renewal.

This first non-European pope gave his first sermon on Thursday in the Sistine Chapel. He reiterated his message of faith, urging his followers to focus on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

He said, "We can walk all we want, we can build many things, but if we don't proclaim Jesus Christ, something is wrong. We would become a compassionate NGO and not a Church which is the bride of Christ."

"He who does not pray to the lord prays to the devil. When we don't proclaim Jesus Christ, we proclaim the worldliness of the devil, the worldliness of the demon. We must always walk in the presence of the Lord, in the light of the Lord, always trying to live in an irreprehensible way," Pope Francis advised.

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