Dwayne The Rock Johnson: “I'm gonna be in Star Wars,” Hopes To Join The Cast As A Jedi Knight

The current WWE champion the Rock is looking to get some attention from JJ Abrams, the director of the new Star Wars film, and join the film's cast as a jedi.

The Rock spoke with an Australian News outlet about his love of G.I. Joe and Star Wars.

"I played with two lines of action figures as a kid: G.I. Joe and Star Wars ... By the way, because we didn't have a lot of money, I used to steal them. I'd just rip open the packages and shove 'em in my pockets... like a lot of kids. I got caught a couple of times, got my a-- kicked by my parents... When I got the call saying, 'How do you feel about becoming the leader of the G.I. Joes?' it was like if I got a call from George Lucas saying, 'I want you to be in Star Wars'. I'm gonna call J.J. and you're gonna help by printing it and I'm gonna be in Star Wars'!"

Entertainment.ie.com was the first to report on the Rock practically begging for a job on Star Wars. Fans went on the site to comment about whether or not they think the Rock will be a good or bad addition to the new franchise.

George Edward Purdy says, "He would make a great villain or anti-hero." Alex Braczynski writes, "Great. Rock is awesome and I'd be perfectly fine with him in the new Star Wars."

Others do not agree and are refusing to see the film if the Rock is involved.

"NO keep him out," writes Kyle Taylor. "If he gets the role I will never go see it," says Ed Swanke.

It is hard to picture the Rock as a light saber wielding Jedi, or flying a millennium falcon type spacecraft. But moviegoers have been pleasantly surprised by odd casting choices in the past, just look at Heath Ledger's brilliant portrayal of the Joker in 'The Dark Knight.'

The Rock's latest movie G.I Joe Retaliation is set to hit theaters on March 27.

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