Greek Football Player Banned For Life After Giving Nazi Salute

Giorgos Katidis a player on the Greek football team was celebrating his 2-1 victory over the Vera football team when he raised his arm in a Nazi salute.

The 20-year-old player was banned for life from playing with the Greek National Team. He went on twitter and denied knowing what the salute meant. He tried to cover for himself saying he was pointing to a teammate in the stands.

"I'm not a fascist and would not have done it if I had known what it meant."

The BBC reports that the Greek football federation called the player's Nazi salute "a severe provocation that insulted all the victims of Nazi bestiality."

It is difficult to believe anybody could not know what the right arm raise Nazi salute means. You would have to be so far out of touch with history and the news and almost any World War II film ever made that you'd be living on another planet.

Although someone with the tattoo "Get Rich or Die Tryin" written over his testicles is probably not a noted scholar.

People commented on about the Greek football player.

Javier M writes, "A penalty of some type seems in order, but a lifetime ban seems real harsh. It's a stupid ignorant thing to do but he'll be punished plenty by the people and the media."

Albert V posted, "You have to be very stupid or very naïve to not know the Nazi salute."

The Coach of the Greek football team defended his player to the press saying, "He is a young kid who does not have any political ideas. He most likely saw such a salute on the Internet or somewhere else and did it, without knowing what it means, I am 100 percent sure that Giorgos did not know what he did. He was crying in the dressing room seeing how the media reacted. He is young and needs protection."

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