A British Man And His Son Died While Hiking In The French Alps

The British man and his son were hiking in the French Alps when they fell into a corridor and died.

The unnamed 48-year-old father and his 12-year-old son had flown to Geneva to spend the weekend in Charmonix. The trail they were walking is popular in the summer but not the winter.

The snow makes the path difficult to see and hard to navigate. The father called the Annecy Rescue Center when he lost sight of his son.

Patrice Ribes told the media the man said, "he could no longer see [his son] and couldn't get to him."

Authorities believe the man died shortly after his son. The boy fell into a corridor and the father fell presumably trying to rescue him.

 "We think the father tried to find his son after he called us and asked for rescue," Ribes said, "We believe he fell as he tried to find his son."

The bodies of the man and his son were found Sunday morning at 7:20am. The rescue mission was launched Saturday afternoon but had to be called off when it became dark out.

Rescue workers used a photo the man sent to his wife via text message earlier in the day to pin point the exact their location. The pair was not equipped with the right hiking gear to safely cross the path they were on.

The father and son killed in the French Alps were from Buckingham, England. Their bodies were in a morgue in Chamonix before being shipped home.

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