A Father And Son Killed In French Alps: 48-Year-Old Man And His 12-Year-Old Son Plunge To Their Deaths At Mount Blanc [PHOTOS]

As a father searched for his lost son, he plunged to his death in the mountains at Chamonix in the French Alps Saturday.

The British father, Peter Saunders called authorities after his 12-year-old son Charlie had fallen while hiking at Mount Blanc. While on the phone with the police, the authorities believe Saunders lost his footing and plunged to his death. Photos of the incident were taken by the rescue team.

The mountain located in Western Europe, is often used during the summer months. It is rarely attempted during the winter and spring.

"The footpaths usually don't get that many people out at this time of year because they are much more difficult to navigate, although yesterday was a beautiful sunny day," Richard Mansfield, a British mountain guide who has worked in the area for 20 years told dailymail.com.

Police said the pair was wearing normal walking boots, but did not have the essentials necessary, including crampons and other climbing gear. The crampons would have provided better footing while hiking the mountain.

The Dailymail reports that 10 people died in the Mount Blanc area this month alone.

Captain Patrice Ribes of the mountain police read a statement at the French ski resort of Chamonix, where Peter and Charlie Saunders were staying.

"We think the man fell while he was on the phone to the police," read the statement. "We think he called immediately after his son had fallen and that he fell very shortly after. It all happened very quickly,"

On average, 100 people die in the Mount Blanc area every year.

"It is a dangerous, deep, snowy hike," Ribes said. "It is not a route that is chosen much at this time of the year, especially without snowshoes. In the winter you cannot see the path, it is hidden by snow.

Sandra Saunders helped authorities locate her husband and son. She wrote a statement about her son and husband.

"Charlie was always full of life, had a really happy temperament and loved spending time with his father," Saunders said of her son. "Peter was fantastic at making things happen, resourceful, with a positive approach to life. They will both be sorely missed by friends and family alike."

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