Girl Scouts Hoax: Fake Order Leaves Oregon Troops With 6,000 Boxes of Cookies, Town Rallies To Buy Them [VIDEO]

A $24,000 order of 6,000 boxes of Girls Scout cookies turned out to be a hoax, leaving two troops to resolve the issue in Oregon.

"They placed a fake order on us and they didn't know that it hurt our feelings a lot," Girl Scout Erin Donnelly, 8, said of the unknown pranksters.

The fake order came from a woman who worked at a local company and the two troops put aside the boxes. However the problem came when they approached the company for payment.

"I contacted the ... company and they said, 'We have no idea what's going on,'" scout mother Jennifer Reed said on "Good Morning America" today.

The Girl Scout troops were left with the large order of unsold cookies and ruined their chances to earn enough to attend their annual summer camp and the homeless shelter they had committed to helping.

However the local town residents came in to help out the troops as they held an emergency sale at the Portland Girl Scouts headquarters on Saturday. By the end of the day 3,000 boxes had been sold, recovered about $12,000.

"I expected a few people to come down. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this many," Girl Scout spokeswoman Sarah Miller told "I've been a Girl Scout for 23 years. I've never seen anything like this."

The emergency sale drew a large crowd as hundreds of supporters lined up to buy the cookies.

"I thought it was a dirty trick to play on them, and this way they get their money back. I'm so glad to see this crowd," Betty Englert said. She drove all the way from Vancouver just to purchase some cookies to help the kids.

The troop appeared on "Good Morning America" to explain their situation and spread the word about their upcoming second sales on March 23.

"For every one person that has bad intentions, there are hundreds more with good intentions and good hearts that are here to help you," Miller said.

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