Bee Swarm Kills Dog: Pit Bull Attacked By Swarm Of Bees In California [VIDEO]

A bee swarm attacked and killed 5-year-old dog, a female pit bull, in North Hollywood California on Saturday.

A neighbor was having a tree removed when a swarm of bees with a hive inside the tree was released. The angry swarm flew down the street, they bees did not harm any people, but Babe the pit bull was not so lucky.

The bees stung Babe to death. Her owners told KTLA 5 "they never would have expected something like this to happen."

A neighbor told KTLA 5, "We've all got kids and dogs. I was doing yard work earlier with my dog out in the front and didn't know anything was going on. Luckily it didn't hurt any kids but it's terrible that it hurt a dog."

The man who was cutting down the tree called 9-11. Fire fighters showed up and sprayed foam on the tree to kill any bees that were left. Officials are not sure if the swarm that killed the dog were regular honeybees or the more dangerous Africanized bee.

Lat June 2012, a swarm of Africanized bees attacked a pet boarding center in Ventura Country, California. 12 dogs were stung, 3 of the dogs were hospitalized in critical condition. Two of the dogs were stung over 250 times. The LA Times says the stings made the dogs "unrecognizable."

Bees are a territorial insect and can be come enraged when they feel their hive is being threatened.

Dogs can develop severe allergies to bee stings. says the signs that your dog is having an allergic reaction to a bee sting are breathing problems, swelling, loss of consciousness, seizures, asthma and extreme barking.

If your dog is stung by a bee says you can make a paste out of baking soda and water then apply it to the area the dog was stung. If your dog is having an allergic reaction to the bee sting, call your veterinarian immediately.

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