Michael Jordan Paternity Case Dismissed Without Prejudice; Pamela Smith Decided Dismissal Was In Her Son’s “Best Interests”

The Michael Jordan paternity case filed by a woman claiming rights to child support has been dismissed.

The woman, Pamela Smith, claimed Michael Jordan fathered her 16-year-old son.

Although the Jordan paternity case has been dropped, the NBA star may still face some trouble on the horizon.

Pamela Smith has filed documents in a Georgia court asking the judge to dismiss her case against Michael Jordan. Her request was granted without prejudice, according to TMZ.

This means that Smith can re-file those paternity documents at any time if she so desires.

Smith initially filed the paternity suit on February 6, 2013 in Fulton County, Georgia.

Smith wanted Jordan to take a paternity test, pay child support, and share medical costs not covered by health insurance, according to the Associated Press.

She also wanted her son's last name changed to 'Jordan' and requested that the judge issue her son a new birth certificate.

Since Smith had recently asked the court to order a DNA test at the soonest date possible, it is unclear why Smith wanted to dismiss the case.

One possibility is that Michael Jordan and Pamela Smith reached a settlement outside of court. They also may have agreed to stop legal action while trying to work things out. Smith also may have decided to drop the case, thinking she may lose.

TMZ issued an update, stating that Pamela Smith's attorney dropped the case on his advice that "dismissal at this time, without prejudice, is in her son's best interests."

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