Now That's A Ton Of Weed: $4M Worth Of Pot Found On California Beach

$4M of pot on a beach was found by California police on Sunday

On March 18 it was reported by the Mail Online that an estimated 2000lbs of pot washed up on a beach in southern California. The pot discovery was made at Arroyo Camada Beach on the outskirts of Santa Barbara.

Police say they found the ton of weed wrapped in plastic bags nearby an abandoned boat. Fifty bales of marijuana were found hidden in the bushes across from the roadway leading to and from the beach. Several fuel containers were found on the boat and police think they may have been used to hold the drugs.

Authorities believe this was a smuggling gone wrong, although they are still uncertain why the pot was abandoned on the beach.

This report comes just a few weeks after a reported $1 million in pot washed up on another California beach. In that case too a similarly abandoned boat was found near the cache of weed. Authorities have not yet said if the two cases are directly related to one another.

The investigation continues for the $4M worth of pot on the beach in Santa Barbara county which has been sent away for testing. In the case from last month, the Department of Homeland Security was called in to investigate. There has been no confirmation if they are involved in this latest case as well, but the cases appear connected somehow.

Santa Barbara County sheriff's officials said on Monday, "Sheriff’s detectives located a significant amount of evidence that was consistent with marijuana smuggling activities, including trash and debris that was strewn about the beach and nearby coastal access trails.”

The $4M of pot on the beach appears to be part of a trend of similar incidents to come. Authorities are trying to determine where the drugs are coming from and why these boats have been abandoned.

Last year coastal authorities say they intercepted 20 smuggling boats in the waters around Santa Barbara.

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