Chicken Lays Giant Egg, Half A Pound, '3 in 1' in China, 'Thought The Hen Was Dying' [VIDEO]

A chicken lays giant egg weighting around half a pound, or 8 ounces in China's Guizhou province according to Hong Kong's New Tang Dynasty Television.

Villagers in the town were left speechless seeing the giant egg, three times the normal size, they "thought the hen was dying" when it laid the first giant egg.

"The first huge egg appeared about three weeks ago. And there are four to five [oversized eggs] now," she told NTDTV, adding that she thinks the giant eggs came from the chicken's rice-only diet. "I'm more than 80 now, but I have never seen eggs like this before."

The surprise didn't stop there, when thy cracked the giant egg, found a double egg, with one egg inside the other.

The surprising egg was laid around the similar time to another in Cheltenham, England. The egg's weight was just bit short of the world record weight for an egg at about 130 g or 4.6 ounces.

"Sadly it's not a world record, ours comes in at about 130g (4.6oz) whereas there are eggs on record of 160g (5.6oz)," Jeremy Power, hen's owner said, according to the BBC. "It's all a bit of a dodgy world really in that there's no one to actually authenticate the weight of an egg."

Power added, "On YouTube there is video - which I don't think is a fake - of an egg that size being opened up and inside is another egg," he said. "The question is what is inside our egg. I think I'll have to video us opening it up just in case there's a surprise in there."

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