Shooter T.J. Lane Wears 'Killer' T-Shirt to Sentencing in Court [VIDEO]

Shooter wears white t-shirt 'killer' across the front as he was sentenced to life in prison on Tuesday.

T.J. Lane, 18, was convicted to life in prison for killing three students and wounding three others on February 27, 2012 at the Chardon High School cafeteria.

Before his sentence, Lane in a brief statement said, "This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. F--- all of you."

Geagua County Common Pleas Judge David Fuhry sentenced Lane to three life sentences without eligibility for parole for killing Daniel Parmertor, 16; Demetrius Hewlin, 16; and Russell King Jr., 17.

Lane was silently while his sentence was read.

Defense attorney Ian Friedman said, "The defense is deeply sorry for the families, all of the families' pain, all of the families that have been affected by this," Friedman said. "There's nothing we can say that's going to lessen that.

"However, my hope is that this community and the families that have been affected can at least begin to seek closure."

"What was the motive for this merciless rampage? The answer is we don't know," Judge David Fuhry said. "We have not been provided a clear answer, or even a murky one.

"It appears to the court that the defendant simply wished to make a name for himself, to make a big splash, to make front-page news."

Lane pleaded guilty February 26 to three counts of aggravated murder, two counts of attempted aggravated murder and one count of felonious assault.

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