Grandmother Convicted of Second-Degree Murder In Grandson's Death [VIDEO]

Grandmother was convicted Tuesday of second-degree murder for killing her teenage grandson last spring.

Sandra Layne, 75, was charged with open murder after jurors deliberated over two days. She was also found guilty of using a firearm during a felony and likely faces at least 14 years in prison.

Defense attorney Jerome Sabbota stated that Layne was "devastated" by the verdict. She told her lawyer, "Oh, my God" and began to cry.

Jonathan Hoffman's mother, Jennifer Hoffman said, "I'm glad she's put away and can't do harm to anyone else. He was a great kid and didn't deserve this."

The recording of the 911 call by the teen was heard by the jury on Monday.

"My grandma shot me. I'm going to die. Help. I got shot again," the teenager told a dispatcher as he gasped for air.

Layne shot her 17-year-old grandson 10 times, striking him six times during six minute period during an argument at their West Bloomfield Township last May. She never denied shooting her grandson however she testified that she did so in self-defense.

Layne is expected to receive the minimum sentence of 14 years in prison, however could face as much as life term. The verdict comes after two-week long trial, as the jury had a choice of first-degree murder or lesser changes, or it could have acquitted her based on self-defense as she argued.

Prosecutor Paul Walton said the evidence of 911 call by Hoffman was critical to the jurors decision.

"They said they played it over and over and over again" in the jury room, Walton said. "One of the big things they said is when you hear the shots on the (call) there's no struggle."

Sabbota said jurors found the "911 call was critical."

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