Recent Study From CDCP Reports Increased Cases of ASD In Children

A recent study published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention which states the prevalence of parent reported cases of ASD in children has grown.

In 2002 1 in 88 children had ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). The number children with the condition in 2012 was 1 in 50.

ASD is a form of autism, a complex brain disorder resulting in social difficulties. says ASD "can be associated with intellectual disability, difficulties in motor coordination and attention and physical health issues."

The Huffington Post reports that  the CDC conducted a telephone survey and discovered that 2% of children between the ages of 6 and 17 have been diagnosed with ASD. The number of boys reported to have the disease is greater than the number of girls, but researchers are unclear as to why.

In 2007 only 1.16% of children were diagnosed with ASD.

A few years ago doctors could not give parents of children with autism a direct cause, but researchers believe that the cause of autism may be linked to mutations in a person's genes. says, "Most cases of autism appear to be caused by a combination of autism risk genes and environmental factors influencing early brain development."

The new study on ASD will help doctors to better diagnose the syndrome and help parents understand how to raise a child with Autism. Children with autism can often appear to be difficult and exhibit bad behavior. The most common symptom of autism is social anxiety which makes it difficult for a child to adapt accordingly to social situations.  

The new research will hopefully help doctors to better understand the disease and come up with ways to treat ASD if possible with medication or therapy.

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