Man Kills Wife In Hospice Murder-Suicide Because He Couldn't Live Without Her, But "Couldn't Bear To See Her Suffering"

Elwood Osman walked into his wife's hospice room and shot her, then turned the gun on himself in an apparent murder suicide.

83-year-old Mildred Osman was admitted into Lehigh Valley Hospital in Allentown Pennsylvania last week. The reason she was admitted has not been released. Her husband, 86-year-old Elwood Osman did not leave a note before killing Mildred and then himself.

Osman was able to walk into the hospital with the gun, since there were no metal detectors at the entrance. The hospital staff on the fourth floor, where Mildred's room was, said they ran to the room after hearing the gun shots. When they arrived staff found Mildred and Elwood dead.

The hospice murder suicide took place Tuesday around 1pm. The couple's autopsies were preformed Wednesday morning but there has been no new information released.

Jim Martin is the district attorney for Lehigh County; he held a press conference about the murder suicide after it happened.

"What we have here is an apparent murder suicide," Martine said. "The investigation will be continuing."

The President of the Hospital James Geiger was asked if Elwood Osman murdered his wife out of Mercy. Geiger responded, "It's a love story. The elderly gentleman could not bear to see his wife suffering, and the family, I believe have observed that he just could not envision life without her,"

After the bodies of Mildred and Elwood Osman were discovered the Police issued a statement saying the public was in no danger. No other patients and none of the hospital staff were injured in the shooting.

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