Bart Simpson Appears In Court In Front Of Judge Mr. Burns – Literally!

Bart Simpson appeared in court on Wednesday in front of a judge named Mr. Burns in a weird twist of fate.

A man on trial in the United Kingdom with the same name as the loveable cartoon mischief-maker, Bart Simpson.

As if that was not strange enough, it just so happens that his judge is actually named Mr. Burns!

The strange coincidence has attracted a lot of attention across the globe for a case that otherwise would have gone relatively unnoticed.

Barton Simpson, a 56-year-old man from Eccleshall, England, faces charges of bringing a firearm to the Birmingham airport in May of last year.

A representative from the court said, "It's a bizarre coincidence that Bart Simpson is actually on trial in front of Mr. Burns, but it'll proceed as any other criminal case would."

The court worker also mentioned that "there were some eyebrows raised when the court list was published."

Bart Simpson pled not guilty to the charge in court today.

The firearm in question is an antique .38 Smith and Wesson revolver which Bart Simpson does not deny bringing aboard the plane last year.

In accordance with the law, the sentence in such a case is a minimum of five years in prison.

However, Simpson's defense has cited a loophole in the law that allows passengers to transport antique weapons.

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